Some days my animals reign over my kingdom. All my life I have done things a bit differently than others. I guess in many ways I have led my life according to my own drum beat. Perhaps that is how at this point in my life I am living with 14 animals; three divine dogs and eleven curious cats! (read more)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Always Learning from My Four-Leggeds!

Acceptance of what is, relaxation, and love of life are great reminders from my animals this past month.  They have recently dealt with major changes in their routines and in their eating schedules.  In addition, the cats also had to adjust to a completely different place to reside day and night.  These changes were due to  having many houseguests of all sizes, shapes, genders, ages and allergies for the past month.

The animals responded to all of this change with total acceptance.  In fact, my teachers with four legs sailed through this experience with flying colors!

Because two of my house guests were very allergic to cats, all eleven kitties stayed in their indoor/outdoor palace in the three car garage and in their 450 square foot outside enclosure.  Although this sounds quite grand and equal to a kitty Four Season’s Hotel, it was still a total change for all of them.  No wandering through the house all night, no morning affection and cat treats from me, no morning belly rubs.

When I ventured into the garage to feed them or change their kitty litter, they looked at me with total acceptance of the way it was, and continued on with their new routine.

How often, I wonder, do we accept change as quickly as animals do?

For me, a lot of change or upheaval in my daily or weekly routine takes its toll.  Is that because I want things to stay the way they are, or because I am not totally in the moment?  

When I asked my dog Bodhi, he said, “ It is what it is, and we don’t argue with what is, we accept it.  We love our routines because they make us feel safe, but we also know that if there is change, then we need to accept that.”  Wow, bow-wow, good advice!

I then asked my cats about change.  They seemed more reticent to answer, because they feel cats should be the decision makers about change.  After all, their attitude is “dogs have family and do what family wants, and cats have staff and tell them all what they want”!

BB, my head honcho cat, told me that they all knew it was necessary for them to be in the garage for a month and that was “ok” with all of them.  Subject dropped.  All the comings and goings these past four weeks have definitely been reminders that life is always moving and is constantly in flux.  My beloved four- legged teachers relaxed into the flow of it all and accepted what was.  They chose to focus not on the inconveniences, but on the fun and life enjoyment they could have in the process.

An added note, about acceptance of what is, my friend Andrew and I rescued a hurt Crow in my backyard.  Anne, Andrew and I communicated to the Crow that he would be safe and on the way to someone who could help him. The Crow went into a cat carrier very easily and was transported to a Wild Life Rescue Vet who immediately went to work on helping the injured bird.  Total acceptance of what is and complete trust!  Another great example for me!!


1 comment:

  1. So true so true...they live within the embrace of divine providence surrendering within to realms of pure love and devotion...they are our fierce protectors and sweet companions of comfort...may we all learn from you dear Cosmo as you see this heaven more easily than most...xoxoxo
