As I feel 2012 coming to a close, I am desiring to slow down and follow my animals' example of listening.
There is so much in the silence and sounds of nature from which to learn.
Have you ever wondered why animals are so attuned to nature and aware of what is happening outside? Even when they are relaxing and snoozing, they shift to high alert immediately if danger is near. They don't miss a thing. Their animal nature respects adventure, noise, aroma, surprise, beauty, and last but not least, silence.
I once had a very amazing teacher who said, "Nature always gives back, go to nature and ask for what you want. It will return to you twofold". This last sentence I added because although I couldn't remember his exact words, this was certainly the essence of his message.
I know when I go out in nature, I always feel better . Yesterday I rolled on the grass, and found the experience to be both fun and relaxing. As I reflected upon my teacher's message about communicating with nature about what you want, I also recalled his suggestion that if you can't get out in nature or onto the earth, you can bring nature inside to you. He suggested that to do this, you can take a large bowl or pan, fill it with Mother Earth, put in under your desk or wherever you spend time, immerse your bare feet in the dirt, and feel the relaxation Mother Earth brings to you.
Our animals seem to know this well. They can spend an eternity simply observing and relaxing in nature. I find following this advice a bit challenging, but also healing. My mind seems to stop whirling, my senses seem to calm, and my intuition seems to heighten when I immerse myself in silence and in Mother Earth.
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