Some days my animals reign over my kingdom. All my life I have done things a bit differently than others. I guess in many ways I have led my life according to my own drum beat. Perhaps that is how at this point in my life I am living with 14 animals; three divine dogs and eleven curious cats! (read more)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Having an animal in your home is great for your heart, your waistline, your immunity, and your blood vessels"....Dr. Oz

I have found a famous, extremely intelligent com-padre who loves animals as much as I do;  Dr, Oz, America's Favorite Doctor!  In a recent issue of Oprah magazine, Dr. Oz explains that when he comes home after a long day at the hospital or the studio and sees his black Lab Rosie with her enthusiastic greeting, Rosie always makes him smile, no matter how exhausted he feels.  Dr. Oz's household is like mine, with family pets(12) outnumbering the humans (6) in his home.

Dr Oz expressed his excitement about the mounting evidence that our animals can improve our physical well-being.  Dr. Oz is not alone. Former president of the Mayo Clinic staff, Edward Creagan, M.D., is also convinced of the healing power of pets. He has literally prescribed them for a third of his cancer patients!

Dr Oz explains that the simple act of petting an animal, or even gazing at an aquarium, results in a drop in blood pressure.  He believes that pets can have a long-term impact on the cardiovascular system as well, as researchers discovered in tracking two dozen stockbrokers who adopted a cat or dog.  Surprisingly, while pet ownership blunted the blood pressure response to mental stress in the stockbrokers, the traditionally prescribed hypertension drug had no positive effect.

A study published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research found that even pet fish can help by facilitating healthy weight gain among Alzheimer's patients, who often suffer from a lack of nutrition. In the presence of an aquarium, patients who paced tended to sit still longer, while patients who were typically lethargic became more attentive. Both effects led to better eating at mealtimes. Alzheimer's patients also have fewer outbursts if an animal is present, and research shows that caregivers feel less burdened as well.

Dr. Oz advises that if pet ownership is not possible, that volunteering with rescues who are in dire need of attention can provide the same health perks. Go to to find shelters near you.

From my own personal experience, closely observing animals in the wild can have positive effects as well.  The other day I was walking with a friend down to our local cafe when we spotted two hawks singing and coming together to mate on top a a huge palm tree.  What a beautiful site to see.  The energy from their coming together was spectacular.  The Native Americans and many Indigenous tribes throughout the world believe that animals carry important messages for us. Hawks represent "the messenger", and the message to me seemed to be to trust in my truth and creativity.  Other messages that hawks are known to carry include clear-sightedness, overcoming problems, wisdom, courage, and wise use of opportunities.  To learn more about animal messages, google "Spirit Guides and Shamanism".

If we are open to their gifts, the animal world has so much to offer.  Thank you, Dr. Oz, for your wisdom and for your appreciation and love of animals.


  1. I completely agree with you and Dr Oz. BUT, what about the other days? You know when you come home and they have happily greeted you with the other have of your brand new cowboy boots, or you don't recognize which one is which through the mud and pond scum they have found in your garden, or when it appears they have brought winter inside due to all the stuffing from couch cushions strewn about...I think my blood pressure was probably not as low as it could have been...hahaha!

  2. Very true! I think perhaps during puppy-doom your blood pressure drops when you see them happily asleep. And you convince yourself those expensive designer boots and shoes weren't really good for your feet. Ha ha
