A teacher of mine from many years ago often stated that "all creatures' feet should touch the ground everyday". I have never forgotten that, but I did underestimate my indoor cats need to run. Two wonderful animal communicator friends, Samantha Khury and joanranquet.com, reminded me that this was particularly important for my young cats. Giving the cats more room to run and climb was essential for their sanity as well as my own.
My contractor friend loved this idea, and together with another friend, we created quite the structure for my kitties. We enlarged the existing indoor/outdoor space to just over 450 square feet, more than double the structure's original size. Now there are areas for both shade and sun, places to climb and hide, and most importantly, a large space in which to run, chase, jump, pounce and rest. Huge dead branches from ficus and pine trees were assembled and secured to create a natural climbing jungle gym. Several of the cats' climbing apparatuses were positioned along one side of the enclosure for fun and familiarity.
Materials were carefully chosen; pine for maximum scratching, roofing that protects yet allows for sunlight and warmth, and terracotta siding from the ground three feet up so that coyotes can't see the cats running around on the ground. We did our best to leave no detail undone.
I look forward to watching the kitties explore and chase each other, getting their exercise while hopefully having fun. Having managed several young children's schools and daycare centers, I vividly recall the need for young ones to not be cooped up for long periods of time. I shudder at the thought of eleven three or four-year old's not being able to run everyday. OMG!
My contractor is so devoted to this project that he is giving up watching the Super Bowl to complete our Cat-Trium. As I write this, he is building shelves and boxes for the cats to play and hide in, to be installed in the Cat-Trium this weekend.
I asked him how would he feel if every one of my blog followers asked for his help in creating their own Cat-Triums. No answer from him, just his warm, wonderful smile.
So with fingers crossed, prayers to Morris,Garfield, and all other famous felines, here's hoping the Cat-Trium provides enough space for peace and harmony for all four-leggeds and two-leggeds at Paradise Ranch.
More photos to follow on Super Bowl Sunday, with the promise of no wardrobe malfunctions or corny advertisements.
i wish i were a cat at Sheila's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!