Some days my animals reign over my kingdom. All my life I have done things a bit differently than others. I guess in many ways I have led my life according to my own drum beat. Perhaps that is how at this point in my life I am living with 14 animals; three divine dogs and eleven curious cats! (read more)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cats and Dogs and Politics

I just never know what my animals might be discussing in their inter-species talks in our home.  I do know that the cats devoured a lot of catnip and the dogs ate plenty of dognip before they decided to have a mixed breed discussion about the political situation in our country.

Although I wasn't privy to the entire talk, I was given a few amusing "what if's" from my cats and dogs.  Neither my pooches nor my kitties are too fond of Romney, apparently because of his dog on the roof to Canada experience.  "Totally outrageous!" they all observed. "What if we tied him to the roof of his car on the way to the Republican nomination ceremony?"  

My pets agreed that they would love to see Romney choose a female Mexican Chihuahua as a running mate.  This was an idea shared by their uncle Richard from Washington state, and all of my animals agreed that it was a great plan.

How perfect for Presidential hopeful Romney!  A female Chihuahua could teach him how strong and steady a female can be.  She could also give him greater perspective about those less fortunate, and convince Romney that they are not taken care of. 

It was decided that Rosalita (the name we will call her) should have a pedigreed boyfriend, an obnoxious 25-generation pure bred Irish Setter who has no idea what abandoned and rescue dogs go through.  Rosalita's boyfriend dog of course takes a liking to Romney.  He totally agrees with Romney's desire to help the wealthy;  it fits right into his own belief system as a spoiled and entitled dog.

I disappointed the animals when I told them that the running mates must be human. "Why, we thought the planet was evolving!" they exclaimed.  I explained that sometimes with progress, it appears that we are taking temporary steps backward until we get every human out of their previous belief systems.  I explained that it may appear that we are not marching forward, but that I believe we will eventually make it happen.

My animals expressed great interest in Bo, the President's dog.  They noted that he seemed like a very happy dog who got plenty of love and good care.  My white as snow American Eskimo and Corgi mix, Little Bit, had more to say about Bo.  "He is so cute and just my type!  We would make a fantastic black and white couple!"

One of my older female Balinese cats said, "We like Obama, but wish he would be more outspoken and definitive about what he knows is right for our country."  My oldest (a sixteen year-old yellow Tabby nicknamed BB, short for Big Balls) spoke up.  "Where are Obama's balls?  Who throws his balls? Why doesn't he speak up?  He needs to tell it like it is and fight for what he believes is right!"  

I explained to BB that the President's balls are thrown by the big corporations, and that decisions are often tied up in Congress.  I also told them that although all presidents make deals with corporations and special interest groups in order to get elected, once elected and in power, we share the hope that they are able to instigate bigger changes when elected.

"How come you keep those old fogies in Congress for so long?" BB asked.  "Is it because they are effective, or do people forget they can vote them out?   It would be great to get animal lovers in office.  Animal lovers are heartfelt people who support humanitarianism and can help America prosper!"

Once again, my animals had some great questions and insightful observations.  I think I will go have some coffee-nip and ponder.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Do our animals understand change better than we do?

What is most on my mind today is the thought that as a nation, we are up for some changes.  Or perhaps I should say as a global society, change is upon us whether we like it or not.   

I wonder why we resist it so much.  Our animals don't seem to mind change as long as they feel safe and loved.  They certainly don't fret over making "correct" decisions.  If we take the time to help them feel protected and nurtured, animals seem to adjust to change very well.  We humans are a bit more complicated.  We don't always feel safe and loved mentally, physically or emotionally before and during our changes.  We tend to hang onto the past, because it is familiar and easy.  Sometimes as soon as we get comfortable, our life changes, and we resist.  We forget that that change is inevitable from the minute we are born until the minute we die....change , change change.

So many things around us seem as if they are positioned for change in 2012.  We have become a consumer nation, and as our need and desire for more things increases, our need for simplifying decreases.  We may not feel safe and question whether we have enough.  If we really ponder that question, we might be quite surprised to find that we have more than we really need!

Change is something that is happening everywhere, all the time.  Yet as humans, we seem to resist this notion.  Change somehow equates to letting go and giving up what we already know.  Scary, but also exciting at the same time.

As our economy and our world seem to reflect what we hear in the media and online, I find myself needing to take long breaks from the propaganda, especially around election time.  It helps to listen to John Stewart or other comedians for a quick dose of humor.  Fear seems to be a subtle, but an underlying backdrop in our world right now. Or least that is what we read and hear in the news.

Sometimes I find it difficult to commit to a firm decision. Feeling uncertain about what to do sometimes means that I have a fear of failing by making the wrong choice. Then I find the need to tell myself to imagine things working out.  When I remind myself that any decision I make can lead to greater insights about me and about my life, the decision making process feels easier. 

Sometimes I consider what my life would be like if I didn't act on any difficult choices and always played it safe. Hmmm. Today I have decided to create a community organic garden in my yard to share with friends.  I have raised beds in my garden that I haven't fully utilized in years, so why not enlarge and use this space and share it with others? I know very little about vegetable gardening, but "If not now, when?"  Raised beds with organic vegetables of all kinds, planted and harvested by my circle of friends, I'm going to go for it. I have imagined what I want and how it will turn out, and the answer is Yes!

As I celebrate my decision, I enjoy some time with my dogs and cats. They are always in the moment, and they never play it safe when it comes to the possibility of joy, adventure and love.  They often give me a look that says, "Is there any reason we should not be relaxed and enjoy life?"  I think they are on to something.